America, the country I love. The country I have seen 47 of the 50 states of. The country of my birth. The country that is being fattened for the slaughter by their own compliance. Despite the fact that in actuallity 59 million people DID NOT vote for President Bush (more on this later), still many people did. By many I mean millions. Still not enough to win an election without help but again, more on that later.
Instead of believing that there are millions of complete f@#!^g idiots in this country, what is easier for me to believe is that there are that many people completely mis-informed in this country. Notice how "the red states" are also states not known for their independant media. (Not having been in many of these states for quite some time please inform me if I'm wrong. Send me some links of places I can go to see some hope.) If you believe that the mainstream media is independant enough to deliver a fair and balanced representation of important topics than you are seriously mis-informed. This is quite the irony indeed but never the less crux of the problem. If all you have exposure too is media with one point of view you would have no real way to know of any differing opinions.
Perhaps you need an example of the not-so-independant media in this country. All mainstream news on the TV. FOX news is complete crap. Actually crap can still have some kernals in it. FOX is complete, adulterated, right-wing propaganda. The FCC should revoke their license and/or demand they no longer call themselves news. If you need convicing of this. Watch even another U.S. companies news and then watch FOX's coverage on the same subject. It's shameful. You could also rent the movie OUTFOXED. This is an excellent documentary. You want some news that is actually informative and delivers a more real picture of what is going on in the world than you can watch the BBC.
An example of the US mainstream media bias (and it ain't left wing) During the most recent Republican National Convention held in New York City all entertainmnet expenses, i.e. tickets were provided by (drumroll please)......... THE NEW YORK TIMES!!!! This isn't only movie tickets campers. These are tickets too Broadway shows. Concerts. Theater. This is an expensive tab to pick up. This WAS published in The New York Times, a point in their credit, but still. A little to close for comfort. The NYT didn't do anything for the Dems.
Now, it's later.
Stolen election? More votes than voters? Dare I say!!!
Well, I do dare. For those of you who know me this won't come as a surprise. But I'm not making it up.
Recommended reading:
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast.
This book is written by the only investigative journalist who uncovered, and documented, the facts behind the 2000 election in Florida and states who and how the same system was already being implemented in several other states shortly after 2000 (yes, all these states were RED in the 2004 election.)
So why haven't you heard about/of this guy? Why is this the first you are hearing of it? Why didn't you see this on TV? Why weren't any of his works published? Why didn't you read about this in any of the papers? Well, They were published and unless you lived in England at the time you wouldn't have read them because The ENGLISH papers were the only papers who would publish them. U.S. Newspapers are owned by big corporations who's editors wouldn't print anything so accusatory. In fact most U.S. papers don't even pay journalists to investigate matters because it is not cost effective. As for TV, well...bigger corporations. Need I say more.
Anyway, I highly suggest his book, I beleive you can check out what his findings are on the 2004 U.S. Presidential election at I'm not sure if this address is correct. I plan on putting a link when I get the chance. Other good sources are and This is news that you can sink your teeth into and makes the mainstream media appear exactly as it is...window dressing.
Wow! The sheer, staggering, astromical weight of your ignorance literally threatens to implode into the black hole that is, ironically, the perfect metaphor for the vacuum that is your intellect! I don't even know where to begin to plumb the fathomless empty expanse that is your understanding of economics, politics and the media.
What is true is that President Bush will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents this country has ever had while Clinton will go down in history a little more than a philanderer and the punchline to a million jokes.
What is true is that the socialism that those you worship would shackle this country with would drag it under just as quickly as it did the Soviet Union and as quickly as it is dragging down countries like France, Germany, The Netherlands, Canada, on and on and on and on and on.
What is true is that the mainstream media has been so liberal for so long that people like you who only learn what they know from the idiot-box have no concept of where the center is any longer.
I could go on and on, but what is the point in talking to a wall. Just compare the sheer convoluted demagoguery that liberals spew to the facts fully supported by logic and history that the moderate-conservatives use for reasoned rhetoric.
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I'm so excited, my first comment!!! YEEEAAAAAA!!!!!
Thank you, anonymous. I know you "commented" before my news links were up. Now that they are(I'm so proud of my new-found skill), feel free to check them out. Please feel free to publish and/or send some links my way as well, I'm always looking for new sources of information. I will gladly add news links of differing opinion and even un-popular points of view to my website.
I would be interested in hearing why you think Bush will go down "as one of the greatest Presidents of all times." Every political analyst before the election was saying that he didn't have ANYTHING to label a success in his first four years, so I would be interested in knowing where you got your information.
Now, I will try to address your other points:
As for Clinton, I think you may still be on the defensive from something else, I didn't even mention him.
"Socialism that those I worship"- I'm not sure what this means and, I didn't talk about this either but I believe the Former Soviet Union was a Communist Dictatorship. As for the other countries you listed I haven't heard that these countries are in economic ruin. What have you heard? Send me a link and I will post it. (again, proud of my new found skill)
As for your last two paragraphs, they leave me a little confused. If my only source of information was the, as you said "idiot box" (an appropriate name I might add) than I wouldn't have said anything that I did. Because, whether you agree with it or not, what I refer too and provide links and information on certainly wasn't presented in the mainstream media. As for the "wall" you refer too, well here I am. Your logic is...what do they call it, oh yea circular. Of course that was before you knew me, right? :-)
But afterall, "The sheer, staggering, astromical weight of my ignorance literally threatens to implode into the black hole that is, ironically, the perfect metaphor for the vacuum that is my intellect" So it is no wonder that your "fact" based "fully supported by logic" points confuse me.
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