Friday, May 13, 2005


The Republican party still sells themselves (albeit unbelivably to me) as the party of "small federal governement, civil liberties, fiscally responsible.." These are not bad things. These are things that I am for. Now, I'm not particularly alligned with any political party across the board but in reflection of the Republicans of my adult life, I'll be 36 this year, why is it that whenever a Republican is in office I have to spend more time pulling THEIR morals, opinions and religion out of MY ass? Also, the nation is then left with a HUGE fiscal deficit. And, more "moral/religious/value" issues are suddenly the governments responsibility? The whole time claiming the HIGH road pointing their finger every time a Democrat might pick up a lunch tab. This holier than thow attitude is hypocritical and arrogant. And let us not forget the "I'm just small town country foke" that has been the basis of Republican presentations for the last fifteen years regardless of truths.

Let us review:
Reagan: "Just say No" to drugs campaign which was the ground work to the "War on Drugs" which led to more Americans losing their civil liberties than the drugs caused in the first place. To the point when Nobel laureate Milton Friedman commented on how the war on Drugs has sacrificed more civil liberties than anything in the nations history. And, also put us over South Africa for more people per-capita in jail.
The Military Industrial Complex: Remember the HUGE military spending? Remember the huge sums of money? Remember the huge amount of debt it left the country in? I do. Not very "fiscally responsible" Remember how the country cried out for "smaller government" after the Reagan-Bush years? (a promise that Clinton actually delivered on)
We wont even talk about El Salvado, Guatamala, and Honduras I'll just say that do a search of the "United Fruit Company" and see what you get. I haven't done this in years but it was interesting reading when I did it.

Bush Sr.: For the first time in almost fifty years a womans right to choose comes under question when the administration suddenly adopts a "pro-life" agenda. This is despite YEARS of the Bushs' being pro-choice. Did you know, Barabara Bush was head of Connecticuts planned parenthood for ten years? That's right Connecticut, not very Texan is it? Doesn't have the same sort of small town zeal that a town in Texas does does it? But who started righting BIG checks to the Bush Campaign in the middle of Bushs' term, the Christian right. And for those that may not remember, the largest terrorist organizations that operated in the country in those years were some "christian" organizations. Fire bombing buildings, murdering doctors and nurses, and assaulting people outside of buildings are all acts of terrorism. Regardless of where these people work or what these buildings are/were. But these acts were never called such because they were done by "Christian" organizations. A little tidbit that KNOWONE has had the balls to call as it is.

Bush Jr. aka Shrub:
Well the list of selling out and government-for-hire is really too long to list. See some of my posts and subsequent links as well as thousands of others.
One thing that I will state is: Stealing not one but two elections. Rigging voting machines. Having a secretary of state be the co-chair of the Republican party election campaign. Guess which states, that's right Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Hmmm...wasn't there some sort of discrepancy in those states??? YOUR FUCKING RIGHT THERE WAS.
Listen, you and I could disagree on almost any topic but the election is SACRED to a democracy and you just don't mess with it. And the FUCKING gall of this man to state that "the people have voiced there opinions through the election process.." and that ''free" elections are taking place in Iraq. Had it not been for rigged elections this man wouldn't be in office. Both Repub's and Dems say that there were "irregularities" in both elections. Republicans don't seem to mind so much because they won.
This just goes to show you that if ANY OF THESE ELECTED SWINE were worth their salt, they would know that elected office is a duty and a privilege and the OFFICE IS GREATER THAN THE MAN. THE COUNTRY IS GREATER THAN THE OFFICE. It's not about stuffing your pockets and pushing your agenda, holding office is about doing what is right for the country as a whole. And, when you do something to undermine the country, like election tampering, you do a great disservice to us all and weaken the strength and dignity of the country your pretend to serve.
Oh, and all the Texas bullshit. As nationally syndicated columnist and Texan Molly Ivens states that Midland Texas is like Darian Connecticut. This is where the rich live. Midland, may be in oil country, but this is where the people who OWN the oil companies live. Not the blue collars who are working the rigs. Pres. Shrub grew up rich and has always been rich. He was driven to schools in limos. As for that " I went to school in Midland.." Yea, for two years, He graduated from a Northeastern Prep school and than continued on to Yale and Harvard. Not very Texan. Yale of course is the family school. Both he and Kerry were Skull and Bones together at Yale.
As for "his ranch in Crawford" yea, he bought it AFTER he won the election (whew, sounds like he is just dripping with Texan....NOT)

Oh, here is one that makes me sick:
"he is a man of god"
yea, well so was TORQUEMADA

Well, that is it for me on this diatribe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boooooring, you sound like a whimpy democrat who cant get over losing to the RED STATES.....may I suggest you get a job?

7:33 AM, May 20, 2005  
Blogger Big Ben said...

Actually, I have one.
Question, why is it that anyone who complains about Bush is automatically considered a Democrat? Democrat or Republican, it still doesn't justify Lying, and election tampering. Remember the witch hunt about Clinton lying about sex? Remember the Whitewater investigation, WE paid for that and those investigations to find out what?

Maybe YOU should accept that OUR President is a liar and thief and should be prosecuted.

Crime is crime, is it not?


4:46 PM, May 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange how I agree with your politics. You've obviously been raised by right-thinking people.
FYI, the chief monster priest of the Spanish Inquisition was named TORQUEMADA.

It's at times like these that we can understand why Marx proclaimed that 'religion is the opiate of the masses'!

When will Jon Stewart be back from vacation?....I cannot survive on re-runs.

A former Republican who has long since seen the light wishes you well.

10:16 AM, May 23, 2005  
Blogger Big Ben said...

Thanks for the comment and the spelling tip. I did a quick (O.K, really quick) search for his name and came up with the spelling I wrote which didn't look right but... Probably the "americanized" version or some shit. Still no excuse but.. thanks. I'll change it it the posting.


7:09 AM, May 24, 2005  
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