Thursday, September 01, 2005

As I see it...`

How can anyone still be convinced of this administrations legitimacy? Legitimacy of purpose, cause, motivation? Nothing but greed. And all the jingoistic, fear tactic bullshit just makes them another Nazi Regime. How are more people not outraged at all of this? How can people support their political parties so baselesly for so many years. I believe it may all be just some form of bruised ego. Hey we all fuck up, learn from it and move on. Nobody's going to fault you for that but don't vote a way because "my family has always voted that way." What horshit. Regardless of past triumphs both parties have the famous as well as infamous. Don't give me this crap about which party freed the, saved the, or anything. What are the parties doing today!!!! That is the only thing relavent TO TODAY. Loyalties are great, but to remain loyal one must be worthy of the loyalty. Betray that loyalty and it's over. You want it back, earn it back.



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4:58 PM, September 01, 2005  

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