Saturday, October 01, 2005

Excerpts: The Politics of Truth

Ambassador Wilson is, of course, the husband of the CIA operative whose identity was leaked to the press by the Bush Administration. The Politics of Truth highlights Ambassador Wilson's fascinating career and provides an insiders clarifying view on some of this century's most dramatic events, including the current war in Iraq.

While talking about a dinner he enjoyed with some of hollywood's biggest stars:"The great irony was that these talented and involved people are routinely lambasted by the Right for daring to utter their political opinions, while a serial groper like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a caricature of a comic-book figure, had just received the benediction of none other than that self-promoting paragon of morality-and admitted gambling addict-William Bennett, in his run for governor... The hypocrisy was breathtaking." p 406

"It may be true that some of the intelligence was not as good as policy makers might like, but there is so doubt that the administration cherry-picked, exaggerated, and manipulated information often no more credible than gossip to fabricate a justification for war." p. 414

"It was clear...that the entire war had been a disastrous charade; that the administration, from the president on down, had systematically deceived the American people, Congress, and the world." p 414

"Like a CEO seeking a clean break from a disastrous corporate venture, President Bush should fire Donald Rumsfeld and the entire band of neoconservatives that occupy positions of responsability under him. " "The the Reagan years, these ideologues pursued a recklessly aggressive arms buildup against an imagined threat from a Soviet Union that most seriou analyst's understood was a rapidly decaying power, and later they embarrassed us with the arms-for-hostages escapade in Iran and Central America that culminated in the Iran-Contra scandal." p.431


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1:15 PM, October 01, 2005  

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