Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Reaching the Point of No Return

Incase you know anyone who thinks Nuclear power is the answer to our energy woes.

...According to Australian physician, anti-nuclear activist, and founder and president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, Helen Caldicott, there are also grave health risks that must be factored into the debate. Nuclear reactors consistently release millions of curies of radioactive isotopes into the air and water each year. These unregulated isotopes include the noble gases krypton, xenon and argon, which are fat-soluble and if inhaled by persons living near a nuclear reactor, are absorbed through the lungs and migrate to the fatty tissues of the body, including the abdominal fat pad and upper thighs, near the reproductive organs. These radioactive elements, which emit high-energy gamma radiation, can mutate the genes in eggs and sperm and cause genetic disease.


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