Tuesday, November 29, 2005


[Col. Writ. 11/7/05] Copyright 2005 Mumia Abu-Jamal

"The law hath not been dead, thought it hath slept." -- William Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure," (Act II; Scene 2.)
There have been news reports of a number of secret US prisons in Eastern European countries. These reports, coming as they do after reports about torture at Guantanamo Naval Gulag, at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan, the Diego Garcia base situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and, of course, Abu Ghraib in Iraq, should show us that torture lies at the very heart of the U.S.-declared 'War on Terror'.
What makes this even more remarkable is the robotic response of U.S president George W. Bush, when asked about torture at a press conference recently: "We do not torture."
One wonders, who is this 'we' of whom he speaks?


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