Monday, December 12, 2005

When Will We Fight the New Shiite Army We're Building in Iraq?

Well, if history repeats itself (and it usually does), this is a very valid question.

The inevitable blowback from America's Iraq adventure
Editor’s note: GNN is pleased to introduce our newest contributor Cenk Uygur, the irrepressible co-host of The Young Turks, the first nationwide liberal radio show. In one of the most insightful pieces we’ve read recently, Uygur breaks down the ultimate irony of continued U.S. occupation of Iraq. As The Daily Show’s Rob Corddry put it this week, “This war will be won when we leave Iraq, not as a failed nation-state eviscerated by a quarter-century of a tyrant’s rule, but as a military and economic superpower ruled by Islamists with an enormous grudge against the United States.” Watch Corddry’s bit here. Read Uygur and weep here:


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