Friday, November 24, 2006

How the Republicans Could Win It All Back in 2008

Let's not get to comfy yet folks. This is a great article.

By Heather Wokusch
Was the sweep a set-up?
As much as I enjoyed the midterm rout, I just can’t shake the feeling that it might be a set up.
A number of bloggers have noted the perfect storm which helped drive the GOP out of power: Bob Woodward’s book on the administration’s mishandling of Iraq, intelligence estimates that Iraq had become a recruitment vehicle for terrorists, the steady stream of corruption scandals culminating in Mark Foley’s timely resignation over the Congressional page scandal. Too good to be true usually is.
Curious that the Republicans failed to use its army of attorneys to challenge the election results. Curious also that Rumsfeld’s inevitable departure came after the elections.
The obvious fear is that six years of Bush & Co.’s gross mismanagement will be pinned on the Democrats in 2008.


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