Monday, April 09, 2007

GOP-issued laptops now a White House headache

Team BUllSHit and yet another ethics violation.

Democrats say a private e-mail system was used in violation of federal rules.
By Tom Hamburger, Times Staff Writer
April 9, 2007

WASHINGTON — When Karl Rove and his top deputies arrived at the White House in 2001, the Republican National Committee provided them with laptop computers and other communication devices to be used alongside their government-issued equipment
The back-channel e-mail and paging system, paid for and maintained by the RNC, was designed to avoid charges that had vexed the Clinton White House — that federal resources were being used inappropriately for political campaign purposes.

Now, that dual computer system is creating new embarrassment and legal headaches for the White House, the Republican Party and Rove's once-vaunted White House operation.


Blogger alex said...

When they decadron reached the town the boat was in the canal, ready for them.. Hannah, you don't mean it? Yes, sir, ultram I do.. Having carefully perused the column of Houses to let, and the column of Dogs lost, and then the columns of Wives and apprentices runaway, enalapril I attacked with great resolution the editorial matter, and reading it from beginning to end without understanding a syllable, conceived the possibility of its being Chinese, and so re-read it from the end to the beginning, but with no more satisfactory result.. Three-handed poker nexium is a miserable game, and it seldom lasts long.. Thus far we have elaborated the plan of the psychic apparatus; these two systems are actos the germ of the Unc.. My wife inherited from her father some shares spironolactone in that enterprise, which is not yet fully developed, though it doubtless will become a very valuable property.. Buller's sailboat into proper condition, paxil and for ten days Mr.. More usually, however, soma when the dream contains anything relating to the impressions of the day, it is so trivial, unimportant, and so deserving of oblivion, that we can only recall it with an effort.. Ah, Poopoo! glad to see you. evista. But during all these years neither of them had concerta visited the other in his country home.. It gave vytorin him pleasure, as he sauntered along, to see the announcement repeated on window cards and hoardings.. Can't do! ritalin said I, what do you mean? I can't do what? Ring de pell, he replied, attempting a grin with his little villainous mouth.. There's a pair of pants over there to be cut down to fit that poor little flexeril Snithers boy.. At the end of actonel this shaft there is a longer platform, and then a new shaft begins.. Standing at a table in the center of the stage, with his friends grouped about him, he delivers that inimitable, evista rambling character monologue so famous in A Magnolia Flower , at the same time that he deftly makes juleps for the party...

7:23 PM, April 16, 2007  

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