Sunday, August 05, 2007

Law or Lawlessness

A well written essay on why Congress needs to act.

By Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Friday 03 August 2007

We are not a nation of laws, if law cannot be enforced at the highest levels of our government. It's that simple.

Noting the Constitution assigns both the right and the obligation to Congress to intercede when the executive branch violates the law is one thing, asking Congress to actually do it, is apparently, quite another. While it is agonizingly obvious the time has more than arrived for Congress to do what the Constitution mandates, namely rein in a rogue president, such action would be extraordinary nonetheless.

Mr. Bush and his entourage have not only broken the law, they flaunt it. Moreover, this group that now controls the executive branch even assumes to take the power of law brazenly unto itself; in some cases, even relying on their allies in Congress to change laws the administration had already broken, to retroactively shield White House officials and their subordinates.


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