Thursday, September 01, 2005


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Col. Writ. 8/24/05] Copyright '05 Mumia Abu-Jamal

The recent comments of American religious leader, Rev. Pat Robertson, which suggested the assassination of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, has ignited a firestorm around the globe, as people express shock that a modern-day religious leader would so openly call for the killing of another nation's leader.
Robertson tried to justify the call by appealing to good ole' Yankee greed. "It's cheaper than a war," he argued.
And there it is: economics.
The real reasons behind Robertson's, and the American political elite's, antipathy towards Chavez is purely economic.
Furthermore, what Rev. Robertson said openly, has most assuredly been discussed clandestinely in the highest levels of US intelligence. That's because Venezuela is flush with oil, and it wants to use this resource, and the wealth that flows from it, for the benefit of Venezuelans and others in the region.
That, to an empire that looks at the whole world as its oyster, is intolerable.
What the Rev. Pat Robertson is voicing isn't the spiritual message of a church, nor the humanistic message of Jesus Christ. His is the political and economic message of a class, of an empire, and of a white nationalism that has always looked at nations to the Latin South, as lesser people. They are Brown people, and B


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