If you study his movements, you will see what his true intentions are."
The Samurai,(whose name I don't recall)
Fist of Legend
Now, with that mentality in mind, that is, studying the movements, let's look at the Republican party that is "serving" it's people. At almost every instance this administration has failed in all of it's government roles. Disaster response, militarily, economically, politically, etc., etc.. Now, I will be the first person to admit that I believe that the President is incompetent. But we all know that his strings are pulled by others, usually to the highest bidder and always by people more intelligent (which isn't saying much.) But he, The President, has even started to alienate himself from other Republicans, which is usually an adoring trait in my book (don't try winning your way into my good graces now, you saucy one, unlike many of my fellow countrymen, I don't forget that easily). So I look for a unifying trait if you will. A common denominator that would make sense for all his actions. In other words; let us study the movements to see if there is a common goal to his apparent haphazard mismanagement of our country. Let's look back and see what it gets us; From 9/11, to the war, gulf coast, doubling the economic, deficit, etc., etc. All of it leeds to somewhere and maybe not incompetence. Perhaps there is place he is truly trying to take the country. I mean, law of averages state that he would be bound to get something right.
Well, maybe he has,O.K. we know he has, alternative motives, but maybe we are not thinking about this the right way.
Now, we all know that the Republicans don't like big government, at least that's what they say. (Never mind the fact that the Republicans have done all of the government growing of the last thirty years.) And, that it was a Democrat that delivered a campaign promise and reduced the number of Federal employees by the end of his term who reduced the size of the Federal government.
But what if there was a common thread to all this "mis-management." What do the movements tell us? Well, we know BushCo. likes giving government jobs to corporate buddies. So where does this get us?...
If you really want to make a big statement at the short comings of government, show how it fails and then move to privatize it under a guise of incompetence,cheaper, and efficiency. Like he is trying to do with social security.
Frankly, this has Bush written all over it.
While it is almost common knowledge to anyone who reads independent media how the World Bank is used to loan money to struggling countries who inevitably can't pay the interest rates(interest rates that would make the Mafia proud), only to forclose on that nation and sell the nations assets to multinational (but American) corporations when said countries default on their payments (check GNN), could this administration,or as I have not-so-affectionately titled it, the reign of King Georges' madness, just be a scheme to privatize the nations various governmental jobs and therefore decrease the size of Government?
Just look at the companies that have profited from taking over former government operations. And we all know Bush IS ALL ABOUT giving contracts to his corporate buddies. Look what he is trying to do "for social security." And look at the Haliburton no bid contracts that the US taxpayer was still over billed for services on.
King George, serving his country or servicing his country? As has been his history, servicing. The only thing resulting from this administrations servicing of the country is the US of A bleeding from the you know of what.
Now, generally I am a fan of small federal government and few/small taxes. But let us remember, my tunnel visioned countrymen, why a lot of these government agencies were founded in the first place. To protect the populace, ie. the citizens of the country from the powerful who were walking over the rights of the unempowered. Organizations like the SEC, EPA, FDA,DoA, NIH,HHS, etc.. were all founded to protect the people from things outside of the average citizens control. And often it was a result of large companies/Robber barons whose greed and political connections were such that it created an unfair displacement of wealth/market share/power and the masses eventually cried out. Nowadays, we have these various government agencies to protect the American citizen. And they work with varying degrees of efficiency, some better than others and for better or worse, when allowed to do their respected jobs. Which this administration usually prevents when it suits there purpose.
So, studying the movements of this administration tells me that they are looking to privatize it to the highest corporate bidder (or the best buddy) much like the world bank does to the countries it (we, the US) lends monies too.
Now, I'm not saying that these agencies don't have room for improvement, OF COURSE THEY DO, they are government agencies. In a lot of cases it would be to kick the politicians out and let the agencies do their jobs without political motives. A perfect example of this is when the Government tells the FDA to fund a study into why Americans are so fat and how do we correct it. And the report can't tell Americans too eat less and what not to eat. HELLO!! But this one example has been going on for years and there are dozens of other examples spanning the agency arena.
But to privatize!!! Then, who is to keep the for profit company in check and ensure that they have the nations, ie. The people, all the peoples) best interests at heart? (Not to say they do a fine job of this now).
AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BUY THE "GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE" OR SOME OTHER B.S. LINE like occasional or periodic reviews. This is bullshit. The people doing the reviewing take campaign contributions like all the other swindlers. They will be bought and paid for before the committee ever meets.
Don't believe me. Look at Bushs' nominations. They all have corporate ties to companies that don't have the countries best at heart.
If you want to fix these agencies and lesson the size of government than make the heads of these posts non-appointed spots with term limit, with terms not linked to Presidential terms. If the person, at the end of his/her term, can prove that they have done a fine job and a better qualified person can't be found to replace, than they me do another term.
Now, to lesson the size of government...This is something I've been milling about for quite some time, how about this:
Pass a bill that mandates the decrease in government department spending buy let's say %1 every year for ten years. Now, I now that %1 isn't much, and this is sort of an intentionally small number. But let's think about it. %1 on 1 billion dollars is 10 million dollars. That is 10 million dollars on every billion the government spends. And this compounds every year on itself. Most of the downsizing could be done relatively painlessly through attrition and efficiency upgrades, which let's face it, Every government agency I've dealt with could seriously use efficiency upgrades. After all, the best and most long lasting changes are made slow and easy. And, if you want to make it 15 or 20 years so be it.
PS: How is it that we don't hear ANYTHING about investigations into any of this administrations blatant fascist dealings on the mainstream media? Boy I remember I couldn't stop hearing about a blowjob and the millions spent on it. Maybe the bone of contention with the Republicans is that while politicians do a lot of screwing of people, your not supposed to enjoy any of it. Of course that was consensual, but I digress. ...So much for the left wing media!!!