Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Political Opinion

Here are my views on the current politcal climate while we enter the season of nominations.

While yes Ron Paul, does look like he has a snowballs chance in hell of getting the official party nod, remember Clinton looked the same way early on. (albeit earlier than this, admittidly) At least he, Paul, has honest views on issues that he has remained consistant on, which is more than I can say for most of the pandering polititicians on both sides. Which brings to mind most of the politicians in general and their fear of stating an actual concrete view on an issue lest they offend someone and risk losing a vote. I know that politicians have to get the votes to win and yadda yadda, but we have entered an age where the double speak and lack of balls on anything has peaked (with the Dems being the major flag waivers of a ballless nation). But more importantly, both the Dems and Repubs just seem like two parties whose primary goal is to maintain office, forward secret agendas and govern the nation as a side job (this time with the Repubs being the major flag carrier.) I don't like either candidate whose respective PARTY is trying to get me to like. It sounds like more or the same Party B.S. and less about running a country. I do, however, like fringe candidates on both sides, or atleast find them easier to stomach. Candidates with less double speak and dare I say actual views and vision for a country, at least to a degree. Ones who seam to not get much help from their respective parties, news or media. The ones the establishement doesn't want to promote. Generally, the more outside of the party loop a candidate looks these days, the better they look to me. Both the dems and repubs. mainstream candidates are just going to have the same corporatist big biz agenda and we the people will get more of the same shit governence. Maybe it's time to elect someone who is a "fringe" party member. Fringe candidates usually represent more change. Change is what the status quo doesn't like and why these candidates remain Fringe. For this reason alone I say let's nominate Fringe party candidates. What do we have to lose? Let's nominate Paul for the Repubs and Kucinich for the Dems!!! Why not? Can't be worse than the schmucks we already have or the ones their trying to feed us?
