Thursday, May 03, 2007

My view on things...

As the Senate subpeonas Alberto Gonzales' emails and after days, nay weeks, of trying to get information out of this man. Why don't they fine him with purgery and obstruction of justice and give him a little JT (jail time). I think that would send the appropriate message to not only the AG office but to the hill in general. A message of "let us not f#*k around here, let's show that we mean business and make some heads role in the name of justice. Maybe then dear old Albertos' recent memory problem might suddenly resolve itself. Here is a man that is supossed to defend the Constitution of the United States and instead, has been ripping it to shreds.

Really I would like something along the lines of a Streltsky revolt, where the Czar/Kremlins private security force, the Streltsky guards, would seize whomever they were revolting against and hurl them from a balcony of the Kremlin onto the awaiting upturned spears of the rest of the Streltsky guards. The "receiving" guards would then use their spears to pull their victim apart and have the glory of bathing in there enemies blood (just reward for not being part of the crew that got to obtain and "escort" the victim to the balcon, I imagine.)

I realize that this will most likely not happen. So I will be happy with the 1st suggestion. However; we could give the option to Alberto and let him decide: Mr. Gonzales, you are charged with purgery, obstruction of justice, Derelicition of duty (failure to defend the Constitution of the United States, lawyers help me out here), etc., etc..... you may choose your punisment: Prison, where we will ensure you are grouped with the biggest White Supremecist murdering basterd we can find for the rest of your life, or you may be thrown onto the upturned spikes of the families who have lossed family members in the war on terror. If enough of these people do not wish to participate, we will open the enrollement to all the ciitiizens whose rights you have helped destroy, in short Mr. Gonzales,(because I know you are suffering from memory problems sir) every citizen.

Afterall, wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said " a little bloodshed is healthy for a democracy."



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