Saturday, September 27, 2008

Palin on foreign policy

In case you had any questions this should make it clear.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

quote of the day

"We do not support government bailouts of private institutions. Government interference in the markets exacerbates problems in the marketplace and causes the free market to take longer to correct itself."

-- The 2008 Republican Party Platform, adopted earlier this month.

September 23, 2008


Scroll to 2:40 in the video to hear George W Bush's acute analysis of this economy...

Night of the Living Vote-snatchers -

By Greg Palast

Excerpted from the Greg Palast, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Robert F. Kennedy's comic book voter guide.
See for more.

In 2002, George W. Bush signed the Help America Vote Act.

When a Bush tells you he’s going to “help” you vote - look out!

The result: in the 2004 presidential election, over three million votes - 3,006,080 - were cast and not counted. Like, what the !@#!?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Arkansas compound raided in child porn case

Red State values take...487
I couldn't even make this stuff up.

By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer
13 minutes ago

FOUKE, Ark. - Federal authorities conducting a child-porn investigation raided the headquarters Saturday of a ministry run by a convicted tax evader once labeled by prosecutors as a polygamist who preys on girls and women.

Social workers interviewed children who live at the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries complex, which critics call a cult, to find out whether they were abused. The two-year investigation involves a law that prohibits the transportation of children across state lines for criminal activity, said Tom Browne, who runs the FBI office in Little Rock.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Public banter

Following is a comment too and my reply regarding the previous article re. Sarah Palin. Some items have been removed to protect the innocent (including the "comment" authors name. I haven't received his permission so being an old friend, I kept his name out of it.

I agree that McCain's superior choice of Sarah Palin "surpassed mere partisanship" seeing as how Gov. Palin was instrumental in putting her own party members out to pasture with $12,000 fines assesed against them.

She never tried to ban books. If she did, what books did she try to ban? The list of books being bantied about by the frightened class weren't even in print any more!

As to being against sex-ed, think about this: would you and your wife find it acceptable for your daughter's kindergarten teacher to encourage her to experiment with kissing other girls? Would it be acceptable for her first grade teacher to explain - and demonstrate - how to perform a Monica on her boy classmates?

As to the choice of Gov. Sarah Palin being a " a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and great-grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we've so demonstrably benefited from", I always thought that the women's lib movement was to allow every single woman the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE WHAT TO DO WITH HER LIFE! ??? So if Gov. Palin has made these choices, who the heck has the right to question them, especially the mothers and grandmothers who fought for Palin's right to make her own choices? OH... THAT'S right... the left wing libs don't want women to be independent and make their own minds up, they want women to toe the NOW femi-nazi line.

As to being "against gun control", it appears that she had perfect control of the gun when she shot that caribou.

As to the "separation of church and state": I will give you $100,000 if you can tell me where in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence - that phrase or the phrase "wall of separation of Church and state" is.

The problem with libs is they can't separate FACT from FICTION.

My Rebuttal
Some excellent points my old friend. Wow, I didn't think they started sex ed 'till at least jr. high. however, sex ed does not mean sexuality ed. While, assuredly, individual teachers may cross lines, shouldn't kids have a basic understanding of how their reproductive systems work. The "tell them nothing and hope nothing happens" approach we KNOW does not work, ergo the shotgun marriage of Sarah Palins youngest daughter (was that a cheap shot :-) If all parents did their jobs lots of things wouldn't be necessary in school and society, but lets face it they don't. I'm not proposing schools start teaching "morals" or "normalcy" or "sexuality" or anything else of the sort, just basic biology, which reproduction is a part of. I know I took that in school. I had Mr. M***** in high. Ms. D***** in Jr. High.
Personally, gun control is a non issue for me. Her shooting a Caribou is a selling point. She did have control (The libs spend way to much time on this one)
No book should be banned. Period. Regardless of whether it's in print or not. Although she is not the first, nor I'm sure the last to do so in this country with a supposedly free press. Lots of books and music have been banned at one point or another, The books and music are usually removed from a censure list later once the government "says it's O.K., a sad but true fact.
As for "toe the party line" the Republican party sure seems to send that message as well. Remember them attacking John McCains WAR RECORD eight years ago. That was obscene. Talk shit about a mans politics, that's fine. Don't fuck with a POW's war history. you just don't it. I don't care who you are. Show some respect. (Especially, since the candidate they were backing had such a dicey (read bullshit) military record) (The fact that he took the abuse and never said anything, McCain lost a lot of respect in my book. Had he left his party or at least called his party out on it, I'd be voting for him.)

Your saying the LIBS can't separate fact from fiction!! Please don't tell me you think the Repubs. can? The list of lies and distortions is to long to list, (see this blog) but as Sen. Bob Graham noted in his book; 11 Impeachable offenses in his (Pres. Bushs') first term, including lieing about national security issues, weapons of mass destruction, etc.. Meanwhile, the Repub. House and Senate did FUCK ALL. But ten years ago we the people couldn't stop hearing about and paying for an investigation about something that at the end of the day was an incident that happened between consenting adults and behind closed doors. (Regardless of how tasteless and white trash it was :-)

As for the separation of church and state:
never heard the "wall" part but
The 1st amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

The problem with Republicans is they practice "do as I say and not as I do" and are convinced peoples memories are only about a month long. They claim all the old school republican values (which I'm a fan of) but don't deliver them. In fact they systematically remove them.

small, non-sequentially numbered bills please :-)

Woman against Sarah Palin

> Please take a few minutes to join this process. Do not
> underestimate the
> number of people motivated by the McCain candidacy --
> motivated to ensure
> Senator Obama's loss. She is not to be
> underestimated. Please read the piece
> below trying to promote a grassroots campaign -- Women Say
> No to Palin.
> Yours,
> Loretta Savery
> Friends, compatriots, fellow-lamenters,
> We are writing to you because of the fury and dread we
> have felt since the
> announcement of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential
> candidate for the
> Republican Party. We believe that this terrible decision
> has surpassed mere
> partisanship, and that it is a dangerous farce on the part
> of a pandering and
> rudderless Presidential candidate that has a real
> possibility of becoming fact.
> Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of
> what Ms. Palin and
> her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for
> ourselves and for
> our present or future daughters. To date, she is against
> sex education,
> birth control, the pro-choice platform, environmental
> protection, alternative
> energy development, freedom of speech (as mayor she
> attempted to ban books and
> tried to fire the librarian who refused), gun control, the
> separation of
> church and state, and polar bears. To say nothing of her
> complete lack of
> experience.
> We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as
> a woman, a
> mother, or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant
> teenager, but solely as a rash,
> incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice
> President. Ms.
> Palin's political views are in every way a slap in the
> face to the
> accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers and
> great-grandmothers so fiercely
> fought for, and that we've so demonstrably benefited
> from.
> First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She
> does not
> demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It
> is presumed that the
> inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win
> over women voters. We want
> to disagree, publicly.
> Therefore, we invite you to reply _here_
> (
> with a short, succinct message about why you, as a woman
> living in this
> country, do not support this candidate as
> second-in-command for our nation.
> Please include your name (last initial is fine), age, and
> place of
> residence.
> We will post your responses on a blog called "Women
> Against Sarah Palin,"
> which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Please
> send us your reply
> at your earliest convenience; the greater the volume of
> responses we receive,
> the stronger our message will be.
> Thank you for your time and action.
> Sincerely,
> Quinn Latimer and Lyra Kilston
> New York, NY
> _womensaynopalin@gmail.com_
> (

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Terror as economic agenda...?