Thursday, March 31, 2005

Halliburton investigation deepens.

More news on our favoritet war profiteers.
Click on the title to view the article.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Dan Rathers' link

did/has anyone heard about Dan Rather lately? If you haven't read the link below than please do. I thought I heard about him today in a passing radio and didn't hear/find anything.
Please comment and leave some links if you have them. this man was the pinnacle of US journalism and he was brought down for criticizing the White House administration!!!. The unverified document was NOT the subject of the story but that is what it became do to the Republican spin-doctors. (the fact that the Bush family has had all pertinant documents, sealed, classified, removed from public viewing ALL documents that would otherwise impeach the current administration is a fact that would have had the Republicans up in ARMS had a Democrat done that. Remember how the Clintons made them wait for the Whitewater documents and all the fuss the Repub.'s made? I do.

or is it; DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO?



Sunday, March 20, 2005

Interview with Noam Chomsky

Like him or hate him, he raises some good points.

Intelligence Matters: Senator Bob Graham

Here is an interview with the author of a book I happen to be reading right now. "Intellegence Matters" By Senator Bob Graham. Senator Graham was the Co-chair of the committee that investigated the Intelligengce failings that led to the attacks of
Sept. 11.
I will include some excerpts from the book below. I highly urge people to read this book. Whether you buy it, check it out of the library, get it as a gift, or borrow it from a friend. This book should be read by all Americans.


" I will also lay out evidence supporting what I believe to be a cover-up orchestrated by the White House to protect not only the agencies that had failed but also America's relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
In sum, I will argue that the Bush administration's action and inaction—in protecting a foreign governemnt which played a central role in the loss of nearly 3,000 lives; in failing to alert government agencies of known tactics of terrorists; in diverting the nation from the real war on terrorism in Afghanistan to a falsely justified war in Iraq; and in politicizing and falsifying intelligence in order to build support for that war, and then in covering up these and other actions—constitute an indictment of President Bush's leadership so serious that it warrants his removal from office." p. xv-xvi.

and we're still in the introduction.

"Here, General Franks, a four-star general and the commander of CENTCOM, was laying out for me how he would fight a true war on terrorism. Instead, his men and resources were being moved to Iraq, where he felt that our intelligence was shoddy. This admission was coming almost fourteen months before the beginning of combat operations in Iraq, and only five months after the commencement of combat in Afghanistan. "p. 126

"The reality seemed at sharp variance with what the President had been saying publicly about rooting out terrorists wherever they exist, and with what Dr. Rice had claimed just days earlier. And though President Bush packaged action in Iraq as part of the war on terror, the truth was that not only was it not a part of the war on terror, it actively and demonstrably detracted from the war on terror." p. 126

"Although the President predicated his case for war on his claims about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, he also argued that there was a direct link between Iraq and the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks..

...These claimes were effective. At the time, a poll showed that 70 percent of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein was involved in or directly responsible for the attacks of September 11; rather than disabusing people of the notion, the President tried to solidify it. Instead of using his presidency to teach America about the real terrorist threats we faced, Bush was using it to mislead the country in order to build support for a war against an unrelated threat." p 193

"...I had no intention of supporting this Gulf War.
... Meanwhile, Republicans, led by President Bush,...were using the issue to bludgeon Democrats. For example, in Georgia, Max Cleland, a first-term senator, a Bronze and Silver star winner who lost three limbs to a grenade explosion in Vietnam, had his patriotism impugned in one television ad,...Tim Johnson in South Dakota..Paul Wellstone in Minnesota, and Jean Carnahan in Missouri were being subjected to similar attacks, and they were having an effect." p.199-200

Well, this is as far as I am in the book at the moment. I will try and ad more later. This, if anybody actually views my blog, will probably get some hate mail. C'est la vie (such is life). Funny how the truth always makes people angry. I wonder if it is not really the truth that makes them angry but the unrealised embarrasment of being deceived in the first place that makes them so angry? As well as the anger at having people like the President of the United States doing the lying that angers them. (Rightfully so) , but moreso the idea that this countries' leadership has slipped farther from truth than they had feared and that this too angers and frightens? (again, rightfully so) .

That's it for my little pop psychology.

In this case, people should be very angry, but not at me or Senator Graham or anybody else who speaks of the lies and deception (not trying to compare myself to the Senator or anyone else) but in all cases, the anger should be directed at the people doing the lying and decieving.


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Unconstitutional: The war on our civil liberties

I just watched this movie and recommend all Amercians to check it out. Click on the title to go to their website. This is well done documentary and exposes some alarming things that we thought "didn't happen in this country."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Dress 'em Dubya

Why...he just makes it so easy.

Things Republicans Believe: A truthful and sarcastic list

1. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is a solid defense policy

2. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

3. The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.

4. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s and John Kerry did in the 1970s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the '80s is irrelevant.

5. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.

6. Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

7. Group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.

8. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

9. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a
conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

10. A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but
multinational corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

11. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

12. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our longtime allies, then
demand their cooperation and money.

13. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Anti-Seccession law in China

Interesting news about what is happening between Taiwan and the P.R.O.C.
click on the title to read the story.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Halliburton in the news?? I'm shocked (actually I am)

This time on CNN Money (which of course is quoting a "BBC report.") Read how Halliburton is being investigated for "possibly" over charging U.S. forces for fuel and other supplies that they agreed to supply after "winning" their no-bid contract.

Halliburton....boy, that name sounds familiar...wasn't the Vice President involved with that company in some way? No-bid contract? There couldn't be a connection could there?.... Naaahhh.

What!!! The U.S. is not an innocent victim...again?

Once again, reports of U.S. meddling in foreign powers and the Bush administrations moves to control oil production in Venezela. This report deals with Iraq, OPEC, and other news we don't get on the idiot box. Click on the title to read this BBC report.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sea Shepherds' wish list

Check it out. If you know a person or business that has even some of these items why not have them donated? Better than throwing them out which is what a lot of places do anyway. May as well reuse. And whoever donates gets a tax-break and it keeps the items out of the landfill. How can you not like a win-win?


Wow. Here is an interview of one of the most respected members in journalism and his story of what the current journalistic environment in America is. A must read.

qoute for the day

"Tis better to be a witty fool, than a foolish wit."

W. Shakespear

Friday, March 04, 2005

Actual news links

I have just updated my site. Please see below for some links that report, dare I say, actual news. Or news from a different angle in some cases.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


America, the country I love. The country I have seen 47 of the 50 states of. The country of my birth. The country that is being fattened for the slaughter by their own compliance. Despite the fact that in actuallity 59 million people DID NOT vote for President Bush (more on this later), still many people did. By many I mean millions. Still not enough to win an election without help but again, more on that later.

Instead of believing that there are millions of complete f@#!^g idiots in this country, what is easier for me to believe is that there are that many people completely mis-informed in this country. Notice how "the red states" are also states not known for their independant media. (Not having been in many of these states for quite some time please inform me if I'm wrong. Send me some links of places I can go to see some hope.) If you believe that the mainstream media is independant enough to deliver a fair and balanced representation of important topics than you are seriously mis-informed. This is quite the irony indeed but never the less crux of the problem. If all you have exposure too is media with one point of view you would have no real way to know of any differing opinions.
Perhaps you need an example of the not-so-independant media in this country. All mainstream news on the TV. FOX news is complete crap. Actually crap can still have some kernals in it. FOX is complete, adulterated, right-wing propaganda. The FCC should revoke their license and/or demand they no longer call themselves news. If you need convicing of this. Watch even another U.S. companies news and then watch FOX's coverage on the same subject. It's shameful. You could also rent the movie OUTFOXED. This is an excellent documentary. You want some news that is actually informative and delivers a more real picture of what is going on in the world than you can watch the BBC.
An example of the US mainstream media bias (and it ain't left wing) During the most recent Republican National Convention held in New York City all entertainmnet expenses, i.e. tickets were provided by (drumroll please)......... THE NEW YORK TIMES!!!! This isn't only movie tickets campers. These are tickets too Broadway shows. Concerts. Theater. This is an expensive tab to pick up. This WAS published in The New York Times, a point in their credit, but still. A little to close for comfort. The NYT didn't do anything for the Dems.
Now, it's later.
Stolen election? More votes than voters? Dare I say!!!

Well, I do dare. For those of you who know me this won't come as a surprise. But I'm not making it up.
Recommended reading:
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast.
This book is written by the only investigative journalist who uncovered, and documented, the facts behind the 2000 election in Florida and states who and how the same system was already being implemented in several other states shortly after 2000 (yes, all these states were RED in the 2004 election.)
So why haven't you heard about/of this guy? Why is this the first you are hearing of it? Why didn't you see this on TV? Why weren't any of his works published? Why didn't you read about this in any of the papers? Well, They were published and unless you lived in England at the time you wouldn't have read them because The ENGLISH papers were the only papers who would publish them. U.S. Newspapers are owned by big corporations who's editors wouldn't print anything so accusatory. In fact most U.S. papers don't even pay journalists to investigate matters because it is not cost effective. As for TV, well...bigger corporations. Need I say more.

Anyway, I highly suggest his book, I beleive you can check out what his findings are on the 2004 U.S. Presidential election at I'm not sure if this address is correct. I plan on putting a link when I get the chance. Other good sources are and This is news that you can sink your teeth into and makes the mainstream media appear exactly as it is...window dressing.