Halliburton investigation deepens.
More news on our favoritet war profiteers.
Click on the title to view the article.
More news on our favoritet war profiteers.
did/has anyone heard about Dan Rather lately? If you haven't read the link below than please do. I thought I heard about him today in a passing radio and didn't hear/find anything.
Here is an interview with the author of a book I happen to be reading right now. "Intellegence Matters" By Senator Bob Graham. Senator Graham was the Co-chair of the committee that investigated the Intelligengce failings that led to the attacks of
I just watched this movie and recommend all Amercians to check it out. Click on the title to go to their website. This is well done documentary and exposes some alarming things that we thought "didn't happen in this country."
1. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is a solid defense policy
Interesting news about what is happening between Taiwan and the P.R.O.C.
This time on CNN Money (which of course is quoting a "BBC report.") Read how Halliburton is being investigated for "possibly" over charging U.S. forces for fuel and other supplies that they agreed to supply after "winning" their no-bid contract.
Once again, reports of U.S. meddling in foreign powers and the Bush administrations moves to control oil production in Venezela. This report deals with Iraq, OPEC, and other news we don't get on the idiot box. Click on the title to read this BBC report.
Check it out. If you know a person or business that has even some of these items why not have them donated? Better than throwing them out which is what a lot of places do anyway. May as well reuse. And whoever donates gets a tax-break and it keeps the items out of the landfill. How can you not like a win-win?
Wow. Here is an interview of one of the most respected members in journalism and his story of what the current journalistic environment in America is. A must read.
I have just updated my site. Please see below for some links that report, dare I say, actual news. Or news from a different angle in some cases.
America, the country I love. The country I have seen 47 of the 50 states of. The country of my birth. The country that is being fattened for the slaughter by their own compliance. Despite the fact that in actuallity 59 million people DID NOT vote for President Bush (more on this later), still many people did. By many I mean millions. Still not enough to win an election without help but again, more on that later.