Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance

It's a long one but than you knew it would be.
This is the intro:

["Quis custodiet ipsos custodes." The Latin words from high school days past began to take on different meaning as the documents came in. Is the situation so bad that patriotic intelligence agents--worried about the future of their own families--are increasingly bypassing "purchased" and compromised mainstream media outlets because they don’t trust them to tell the truth anymore? Do continued poor congressional poll ratings indicate Americans have a gnawing inner feeling that their elected legislators are conspiring to cover-up credible evidence of a controlled demolition of the World Trade Center on 9.11 or pre-emptive war based upon lies? Why did federal judges throw out evidence that FBI translator Sibel Edmonds heard the names of ten prominent American politicians and heads of federal agencies involved in drug money laundering and financing the 9.11 attacks? Are they dirty too? Why was district immigration adjudications officer Mary Schneider fired because she uncovered an illegal Muslim marriage ring linked to "hijacker" Mohamed Atta and Khalil bin Laden? And it’s not news that eight of Tony Blair’s British intelligence agents (four killed in a fire-fight) attempted to blow up the Chicago subway last week? Will it take citizens encircling the White House and congressional office buildings with handcuffs to stop the crime? The evidence is that strong. "Who will guard the guards?" -- TF]


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