Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Justice Denied

OK, so we're finally rid of the AG, vanquisher of rights that he is, and that is a good thing. So, why am I not more excited about it? Maybe because it looks like all of these criminals are going to go without punishment.
Can we not bring down Voldemort and the rest of the death eaters and hold them responsible?

The resignation of Alberto Gonzales has brought a smile to the faces of many Bush Administration critics, but will it bring real change? Unless the Senate Judiciary Committee seizes its chance in a new Attorney General's confirmation hearings, the danger is that Gonzales's exit won't just leave Justice tarnished--it will also mean justice denied.

American Nightmare:Gonzales " wrong and illegal and unethical"

by Greg Palast
Tuesday, August 28.

“What I’ve experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream.”

Last month, David Iglesias and I were looking out at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island where his dad had entered the US from Panama decades ago. It was a hard moment for the military lawyer who, immediately after Attorney General Alberto Gonzales fired Iglesias as US Attorney for New Mexico, returned to active military duty as a Naval Reserve JAG.

Captain Iglesias, cool and circumspect, added something I didn’t expect:

“They misjudged my character, I mean they really thought I was just going to roll over and give them what they wanted and when I didn’t, that I’d go away quietly but I just couldn’t do that. You know US Attorneys and the Justice Department have a history of not taking into consideration partisan politics. That should not be a factor. And what they tried to do is just wrong and illegal and unethical.”

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Will Durst on Bush Adminstration: "Irony Deprived, Depraved, Erectile Dysfunctional..." [VIDEO]

A no-holds-barred rant from Durst's one man off-Broadway show "The All-American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing."

Bush and Napoleon Both Believed Their Own Propaganda About a "Greater Middle East"

There are times when the resonances of history are positively eerie. The parallels of Napoleon's occupation of Egypt with Bush's disaster in Iraq are enough to make you jump out of your chair.

A look at campaign donations

Thanks to opensecrets.org for this look into who gives, how much, and who gets it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fantasy island

Karl Rove calls himself Moby Dick. One speechwriter sees himself as St. Francis. Another sees him as Iago. All regard Bush as Abraham Lincoln. In Washington, reality is a myth.

By Sidney Blumenthal

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Skull, jaw fossils offer new insight into human lineage

And the Creation Museum has something else to turn a dumb/blind eye too.

Analysis of an ancient skull and jawbone shows modern
By Thomas H. Maugh II
August 9, 2007

A 1.5-million-year-old skull and an equally old jaw found in Kenya are helping rewrite the history of early man, eliminating one reputed ancestor from the human lineage and suggesting that another was much more primitive than previously believed, researchers said Wednesday.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Law or Lawlessness

A well written essay on why Congress needs to act.

By Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Friday 03 August 2007

We are not a nation of laws, if law cannot be enforced at the highest levels of our government. It's that simple.

Noting the Constitution assigns both the right and the obligation to Congress to intercede when the executive branch violates the law is one thing, asking Congress to actually do it, is apparently, quite another. While it is agonizingly obvious the time has more than arrived for Congress to do what the Constitution mandates, namely rein in a rogue president, such action would be extraordinary nonetheless.

Mr. Bush and his entourage have not only broken the law, they flaunt it. Moreover, this group that now controls the executive branch even assumes to take the power of law brazenly unto itself; in some cases, even relying on their allies in Congress to change laws the administration had already broken, to retroactively shield White House officials and their subordinates.

If you knew...

This is like a one stop shop for all the news your not hearing. Graft, corruption, negligence...ahh the Bush legacy.

Sex tree threatened, Mud volcano, Native women victimized, Bush destabilizes Lebanon, Tibet's baseball protest, Indian dam hunger strike, Military immigrant ploy, BP dumps mercury

This week’s all-star lineup of guests on This is Hell follows the articles.

The three stooges

Why the President won't fire the AG and all the more reason why Congress needs to remove him.

The president won't fire Alberto Gonzales. He needs him to protect White House secrets, including the scheming roles of Cheney and Rove.

By Sidney Blumenthal

Photos: AP/Wide World

Aug. 2, 2007 | Omertà (or a code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonorable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the truth is informing. Cooperation with investigators is cowardice; breaking the code is betrayal. Once the code is shattered, however, no one can be trusted and the entire edifice crumbles.